Executive Summary – The Finance Minister (FM) in her Budget Speech stated that India’s growth in FY21-22 is estimated at 9.2 percent and that Budget 2022 seeks to lay the foundation and give a futuristic and inclusive blueprint to steer the economy over the AmritKaal (next 25 years)- from India at 75 to India at 100...Read More
SEBI on 14th January 2022, notified SEBI (Settlement Proceedings) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 (Settlement Regulations). The amendments brought in the Settlement Regulations are with an intent to encourage more matters to be resolved through Settlement or Consent mechanism in a time bound manner. The amended Settlement Regulations has on one hand made timelines for filing of...Read More
SEBI Board meeting was held on 28th December 2021 wherein the highlights of discussions and decisions were the approval of slew of amendments to tighten norms for Initial Public Offerings based upon the recommendations by Primary Market Advisory Committee (PMAC). Besides, several other important decisions were taken including amendments in preferential allotment pricing guidelines, introduction...Read More
As per provisions of Regulation 37 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 (LODR Regulations), every listed company proposing to undertake or being party to any scheme of arrangement is required to take no objection of stock exchanges to the draft of scheme of arrangement, before filing the same before the Tribunal. As...Read More
On November 9, 2021, the markets regulator SEBI issued a notification that made significant changes in the provisions of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 (LODR Regulations) to strengthen the monitoring and enforcement of related-party transaction norms. The Notification shall become effective from April 1, 2022. Subsequent to aforesaid Notification, SEBI has further...Read More
Business valuation is critical for transactions including fund raising, mergers & acquisitions (M&A), sale of businesses/assets, strategic business decisions like shareholder disputes, voluntary value assessment and for regulatory compliance, tax and financial reporting purposes. Read More
Most companies create economic value for their stakeholders by investing their capital efficiently in a manner that generates return in excess of the cost of capital deployed. For companies to generate high ROCE and maintain consistent growth, there must be certain inherent competitive advantages which in turn depends upon industry structure and market trends.Read More
A Joint Venture or JV is an arrangement between parties wherein two or more entities come together, bringing a specific skill, expertise, know how, funding, approvals or other recourses etc.Read More
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic...Read More